Flowmeters and System Solutions

Flowmeters and System solution.



System Solution

One-stop service
from small to large

Oval makes use of the measurement
technology cultivated as a manufacturer
specializing in flowmeters to provide custom-
made system products that meet the needs of
our customers.

What is your problem?


Overall optimal

I want to optimize the entire base, not a partial improvement of the process.


Waste, Unevenness, Impossible

I want to clarify and improve.


Quality Improvement

I want to reduce incidents and improve the quality of production processes and products.

OVAL solves every problem


One-stop support

From problem analysis to system proposal / introduction, a system that can provide one-stop service realizes overall optimization.


For labor saving and automation

Business improvement by We propose labor saving and automation by combining wireless network systems and custom-made system products. Improve “waste, unevenness and impossible”.


Oval system products

We promise to improve quality with a system that combines a high-precision flow meter and peripheral devices that meet international standards.

We will propose according to issues and requests.

Contact us

System Solution